Tuesday 19 January 2010

The Mermaid Story

Are you sitting carefully? Then I'll begin.
Once upon a time there was a novice scrapbooker called Deb who had been encouraged to go to a monthly Scrapbooking Crop day by her friend Denise. She had been a few times and managed to keep up with the work set. Every month the organiser of the crop would send a 'Sneak Peek' of what they would be doing and details of what needed to be taken from home.
On this occasion, they were told that the designer was a very talented lady called Michelle Mogford and that among other things they would need 2 head and shoulders pictures 3cm x 3cm. Pretty small for a 12 x 12 scrapbook layout huh? Denise assured Deb that she would enjoy MJM's work, she was quirky and original and her layouts were very different, modern and fun.
When the crop began, Michelle explained that she was going to teach something that could be incorporated into card making or interactive scrapbook layouts. The class were going to learn how to make the mechanism for moving characters. You know the type of thing, you pull a tab and a lever moves behind the front paper to make something on the page move up and down or side to side. Very clever, very intricate and quite outside of Deb's comfort zone! It was then that the handout was given out and the class realised that the characters that would be moving up and down were a mermaid and a mer-man and this is what the little photographs were for. Now, Deb wasn't sure that her 19 year old son and 23 year old daughter (whose photos she had taken) would be happy to see their little heads bobbing up and down in a sea-scene attached to the bodies of amphibious creatures. Denise was quietly confident that her very macho sons would be equally unhappy.
But none were more unhappy than those ladies who had brought along photos of their cats.

On a brighter note, the other layouts we did with MJM were fab, fun and funky, it's just that the mermaid one always makes us chuckle.


Sian said...

lol! Cats as mermaids. I know Michelle would have seen the funny side of that too. It sounds like a fab crop you go to.

humel said...

This literally made me laugh out loud!! Mer-cats - oh, priceless story, and beautifully told :-) Thanks for easing my tax headache!! xx

Amy said...

Mer-cats ...LOL!

Jennifer Grace said...

Well at least it made your first crop memorable!

Rachel Brett said...

Excellent! I can just imagine the little cats heads on mer-people's bodies. Great post Deb.